Thursday, December 4, 2014

Teaching Forever or The One & Done

A few years ago I had a wonderful teaching gig. It actually paid decent money. That is if you have enough students. That is if they don't cancel on you or take a million vacations, or just don't show up, or give you any number of other "west coast" excuses not to be there. Do you know how much the median income is here in Seattle? Guess what? It's $70,000. Ha! I have never made half of that in one year. This is an expensive place to live. Whatever right? So years ago I started thinking OMG I am going to have to teach private lessons for my whole life just to make enough loot to live. I call these lessons "one and done." You teach. You get paid for your time. The end. Of course one on one private lessons are VERY important, but what if I shared every lesson that I ever taught over the last twenty years with anyone who wanted to learn saxphone? That's a ton of lessons! That is one of the reasons for starting our YouTube channel. I have the opportunity to share the same lesson over and over. It may not be as hip as a one on one private lesson, but teaching forever is super cool. More of it! BAM!


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